William Blake (28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827) was an English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognised during his lifetime, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual arts of the Romantic Age.
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I am really sorry to see my countrymen trouble themselves about politics. If men were wise the most arbitrary princes could not hurt them. If they are not wise the freest government is compelled to be a tyranny. Princes appear to me to be fools. Houses of Commons and Houses of Lords appear to me to be fools, they seem to me to be something else besides human life.
The world of imagination is the world of eternity. It is the divine bosom into which we shall all go after the death of the vegetated [i.e. mortal] body. This world of imagination is infinite and eternal whereas the world of generation is finite and temporal. There exist in that eternal world the eternal realities of everything which we see reflected in this vegetable glass of nature.
Some say that happiness is not good for mortals and they ought to be answered that sorrow is not fit for immortals and is utterly useless to any one, a blight never does good to a tree and if a blight kill not a tree but it still bear fruit let none say that the fruit was in consequence of the blight.
Men are admitted into Heaven not because they have curbed and governed their passions or have no passions but because they have cultivated their understandings. The treasures of Heaven are not negations of passion but realities of intellect from which all the passions emanate uncurbed in their eternal glory. The fool shall not enter into Heaven let him be ever so holy.
To me this world is all one continued vision of fancy or imagination and I feel flattered when I am told so. What is it sets Homer Virgil and Milton in so high a rank of art? Why is the Bible more entertaining and instructive than any other book? Is it not because they are addressed to the imagination which is spiritual sensation and but immediately to the understanding or reason?
As I was walking among the fires of Hell delighted with the enjoyments of Genius, which to Angels look like torment and insanity, I collected some of their Proverbs thinking that, as the sayings used in a nation mark its character, so the Proverbs of Hell show the nature of Infernal wisdom better than any description of buildings or garments.