A person who is too nice an observer of the business of the crowd like one who is too curious in observing the labor of bees will often be stung for his curiosity.


Explore More Quotes by Alexander Pope

Health consists with temperance alone.

Health consists with temperance alone.

Pride is still aiming at the best houses: Men would be angels angels would be gods. Aspiring to be

Pride is still aiming at the best houses: Men would be angels, angels would be gods. Aspiring to be gods if angels fell, aspiring to be angels men rebel.

Not to go back is somewhat to advance and men must walk at least before they dance.

Not to go back is somewhat to advance, and men must walk at least before they dance.

Education forms the common mind. Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined.

Education forms the common mind. Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined.

Related Quotes to Explore

    Joy is the serious business of heaven.

    Joy is the serious business of heaven.

    ASAP. Whatever that means. It must mean, 'Act swiftly awesome pacyderm!

    ASAP. Whatever that means. It must mean, 'Act swiftly awesome pachyderm!'

    Marriage is indeed a manoeuvring business.

    Marriage is indeed a manoeuvring business.

    Each of the professions means a prejudice. The necessity for a career forces every one to take sides. We live in the age of the overworked, and the under-educated; the age in which people are so industrious that they become absolutely stupid.

    Each of the professions means a prejudice. The necessity for a career forces every one to take sides. We live in the age of the overworked, and the under-educated; the age in which people are so industrious that they become absolutely stupid.
