Do you really think it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations which it requires strength, strength and courage, to yield to.


Explore More Quotes by Oscar Wilde

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.

We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.

Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary.

Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary.

Nothing can cure the soul but the senses just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.

Nothing can cure the soul but the senses just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.

Related Quotes to Explore

    Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires cour

    Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.

    You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.

    You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.

    The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.

    The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past, so that we can live our dreams.

    Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage.

    Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage.
