Retirement may be looked upon either as a prolonged holiday or as a rejection a being thrown on to the scrap-heap.


Explore More Quotes by Simone de Beauvoir

Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future act now without delay.

Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future act now without delay.

In itself homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality: the ideal should be to be capable of lov

In itself homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality: the ideal should be to be capable of loving a woman or a man, either a human being without feeling fear, restraint or obligation.

Defending the truth is not something one does out of a sense of duty or to allay guilt complexes bu

Defending the truth is not something one does out of a sense of duty or to allay guilt complexes, but is a reward in itself.

Art is an attempt to integrate evil.

Art is an attempt to integrate evil.

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    The rate of return on Social Security for people nearing retirement is about 1.5 percent. By the ti

    The rate of return on Social Security for people nearing retirement is about 1.5 percent. By the time young children like mine are ready to retire that rate of return will be a negative percentage.

    So in Europe they're cutting people's retirement and health benefits. And that's what we want to av

    So in Europe they're cutting people's retirement and health benefits. And that's what we want to avoid from happening. They're raising taxes entering a recession. That's the kind of economic program that President Obama has put in place.

    I have retired but if there's anything that would kill me it is to wake up in the morning not knowi

    I have retired, but if there's anything that would kill me it is to wake up in the morning not knowing what to do.
