Proud Quotes

Best Proud sayings - browse and share beautiful high-quality picture quotes about Being Proud.

Strange that the vanity which accompanies beauty - excusable perhaps when there is such great beauty, or at any rate understandable - should persist after the beauty was gone.

Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh and too selfish to seek other than itself.

This world of ours must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate and be instead a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

It is better to deserve honors and not have them, than to have them and not deserve them.

Small things make base men proud.

Greatness does not consist in receiving honors but in deserving them.

I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.

Abraham Lincoln

'Born this Way' is about being yourself and loving who you are and being proud.

Lady Gaga
