All slang is metaphor and all metaphor is poetry.


Explore More Quotes by Gilbert K. Chesterton

The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.

The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.

Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.

Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.

A woman uses her intelligence to find reasons to support her intuition.

A woman uses her intelligence to find reasons to support her intuition.

The most dangerous criminal now is the entirely lawless modern philosopher. Compared to him burglar

The most dangerous criminal now is the entirely lawless modern philosopher. Compared to him, burglars and bigamists are essentially moral men.

Related Quotes to Explore

    Days of absence, sad and dreary, Clothed in sorrow’s dark array, – Days of absence, I am weary; She I love is far away.

    Days of absence, sad and dreary, Clothed in sorrow’s dark array, – Days of absence, I am weary; She I love is far away.

    I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love.

    I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love.

    For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.

    For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.
