The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.
I don't call myself a Buddhist. I'm a free spirit. I believe I'm here on earth to admire and enjoy it, that's my religion.
How simple a thing it seems to me that to know ourselves as we are, we must know our mothers names.
America is not nearly done. We're only in the beginning. Who knows who we will be? Who knows... what color we will be? It is all something that maybe our descendants - if they survive that long - will see.
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I'm afraid that sometimes you'll play lonely games too. Games you can't win 'cause you'll play against you.
You say you love rain, but you use an umbrella to walk under it. You say you love sun, but you seek shelter when it is shining. You say you love wind, but when it comes you close your windows. So that’s why I’m scared when you say you love me.