John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell

John Calvin Maxwell (born 1947) is an American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books, primarily focusing on leadership. Titles include The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. His books have sold millions of copies, with some on the New York Times Best Seller List.

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Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.

To add value to others one must first value others.

Leadership is influence.

People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.

Educators take something simple and make it complicated. Communicators take something complicated and make it simple.

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.

We choose what attitudes we have right now. And it's a continuing choice.

Remember, man does not live on bread alone: sometimes he needs a little buttering up.

People may hear your words but they feel your attitude.

Good executives never put off until tomorrow what they can get someone else to do today.

Leaders must be close enough to relate to others but far enough ahead to motivate them.

Learn to say 'no' to the good so you can say 'yes' to the best.

The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.

The first time you say something it's heard. The second time it's recognized and the third time it's learned.

In the end people are persuaded not by what we say but by what they understand.

Policies are many Principles are few Policies will change Principles never do.

A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes smart enough to profit from them and strong enough to correct them.

The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up.

If you're lying you're lying.
