I had faith in Israel before it was established I have in it now. I believe it has a glorious future before it - not just another sovereign nation but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization.


Explore More Quotes by Harry S. Truman

The human animal cannot be trusted for anything good except en masse. The combined thought and acti

The human animal cannot be trusted for anything good except en masse. The combined thought and action of the whole people of any race, creed or nationality, will always point in the right direction.

In my opinion eight years as president is enough and sometimes too much for any man to serve in tha

In my opinion eight years as president is enough, and sometimes too much for any man to serve in that capacity.

Actions are the seed of fate deeds grow into destiny.

Actions are the seed of fate, deeds grow into destiny.

It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job, it's a depression when you lose yours.

It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job, it's a depression when you lose yours.

Related Quotes to Explore

    Past thinking and methods did not prevent world wars. Future thinking must prevent wars. - Albert Einstein Quote

    Past thinking and methods did not prevent world wars. Future thinking must prevent wars.

    Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society.

    Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society.

    The greatest loss of time is delay and expectation, which depend upon the future. We let go the present, which we have in our power, and look forward to that which depends upon chance, and so relinquish a certainty for an uncertainty.

    The greatest loss of time is delay and expectation, which depend upon the future. We let go the present, which we have in our power, and look forward to that which depends upon chance, and so relinquish a certainty for an uncertainty.

    A great person attracts great people and knows how to hold them together.

    A great person attracts great people and knows how to hold them together.
