Let me recommend the best medicine in the world: a long journey at a mild season through a pleasant country in easy stages.


Explore More Quotes by James Madison

America was indebted to immigration for her settlement and prosperity. That part of America which h

America was indebted to immigration for her settlement and prosperity. That part of America which had encouraged them most, had advanced most rapidly in population, agriculture and the arts.

Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to provisions aga

Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad.

The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at

The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.

All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree.

All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree.

Related Quotes to Explore

    I'm so mean, I make medicine sick.

    I'm so mean, I make medicine sick.

    The miserable have no other medicine, but only hope.

    The miserable have no other medicine, but only hope.

    Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose - and commit myself to - what is best for me.

    Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose - and commit myself to - what is best for me.

    We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love....

    We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love.
