Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.


Explore More Quotes by Milton Friedman

Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.

Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.

Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.

Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.

I am favor of cutting taxes under any circumstances and for any excuse for any reason whenever it's

I am favor of cutting taxes under any circumstances and for any excuse for any reason whenever it's possible.

History suggests that capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom. Clearly it is not

History suggests that capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom. Clearly it is not a sufficient condition.

Related Quotes to Explore

    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. - Socrates Quote

    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.

    Good night and sweet dreams, my love!

    Good night and sweet dreams, my love!

    Sex is always about emotions. Good sex is about free emotions; bad sex is about blocked emotions.

    Sex is always about emotions. Good sex is about free emotions; bad sex is about blocked emotions.

    Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.

    Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.
