The goal of war is peace, of business leisure.


Explore More Quotes by Aristotle

Between friends there is no need of justice.

Between friends there is no need of justice.

The actuality of thought is life

The actuality of thought is life.

Wishing to be friends is quick work but friendship is slow-ripening fruit.

Wishing to be friends is quick work but friendship is slow-ripening fruit.

What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.

What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.

Related Quotes to Explore

    Past thinking and methods did not prevent world wars. Future thinking must prevent wars. - Albert Einstein Quote

    Past thinking and methods did not prevent world wars. Future thinking must prevent wars.

    The only way to escape the corruptible effect of praise is to go on working. - Albert Einstein Quote

    The only way to escape the corruptible effect of praise is to go on working.

    Half of the fun of travel is the aesthetic of lostness.

    Half of the fun of travel is the aesthetic of lostness.

    The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but on significance--and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.

    The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but on significance - and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.
