Sex is like money; only too much is enough.


Explore More Quotes by John Updike

Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.

Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.

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    For the born traveller, travelling is a besetting vice. Like other vices, it is imperious, demanding its victim’s time, money, energy and the sacrifice of comfort.

    For the born traveller, travelling is a besetting vice. Like other vices, it is imperious, demanding its victim’s time, money, energy and the sacrifice of comfort.

    Copulation is no more foul to me than death is.

    Copulation is no more foul to me than death is.

    The natural thing, my lord, men and women joined.

    The natural thing, my lord, men and women joined.

    To have her here in bed with me, breathing on me, her hair in my mouth - I count that something of a miracle.

    To have her here in bed with me, breathing on me, her hair in my mouth - I count that something of a miracle. 
