In each action we must look beyond the action at our past present and future state and at others whom it affects and see the relations of all those things. And then we shall be very cautious.


Explore More Quotes by Blaise Pascal

Time heals griefs and quarrels for we change and are no longer the same persons. Neither the offend

Time heals griefs and quarrels for we change and are no longer the same persons. Neither the offender nor the offended are any more themselves.

Can anything be stupider than that a man has the right to kill me because he lives on the other sid

Can anything be stupider than that a man has the right to kill me because he lives on the other side of a river and his ruler has a quarrel with mine, though I have not quarrelled with him?

Eloquence is a painting of the thoughts.

Eloquence is a painting of the thoughts.

Imagination decides everything.

Imagination decides everything.

Related Quotes to Explore

    Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society.

    Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society.

    The greatest loss of time is delay and expectation, which depend upon the future. We let go the present, which we have in our power, and look forward to that which depends upon chance, and so relinquish a certainty for an uncertainty.

    The greatest loss of time is delay and expectation, which depend upon the future. We let go the present, which we have in our power, and look forward to that which depends upon chance, and so relinquish a certainty for an uncertainty.

    There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.

    There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.

    We are living in a culture entirely hypnotized by the illusion of time, in which the so-called present moment is felt as nothing but an infintesimal hairline between an all-powerfully causative past and an absorbingly important future.

    We are living in a culture entirely hypnotized by the illusion of time, in which the so-called present moment is felt as nothing but an infinitesimal hairline between an all-powerfully causative past and an absorbingly important future. 
