If there is a supreme being, he's crazy.


Explore More Quotes by Marlene Dietrich

A man would prefer to come home to an unmade bed and a happy woman than to a neatly made bed and an

A man would prefer to come home to an unmade bed and a happy woman, than to a neatly made bed and an angry woman.

Sex. In America an obsession. In other parts of the world a fact.

Sex. In America an obsession. In other parts of the world a fact.

Superstitions are habits rather than beliefs.

Superstitions are habits rather than beliefs.

To be completely woman you need a master and in him a compass for your life. You need a man you can

To be completely woman you need a master and in him a compass for your life. You need a man you can look up to and respect. If you dethrone him it's no wonder that you are discontented and discontented women are not loved for long.

Related Quotes to Explore

    Bizarre travel plans are dancing lessons from God.

    Bizarre travel plans are dancing lessons from God.

    I thank God I was raised Catholic, so sex will always be dirty.

    I thank God I was raised Catholic, so sex will always be dirty.

    God intends to give us what we need, not what we now think we want.

    God intends to give us what we need, not what we now think we want.

    You may forget that you are at every moment totally dependent on God.

    You may forget that you are at every moment totally dependent on God.
