Congress shall also create a tax code weighing more than the combined poundage of the largest member of the House and the largest member of the Senate, plus a standard musk ox.


Explore More Quotes by Dave Barry

It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick

It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick.

Guys are simple... women are not simple and they always assume that men must be just as complicated

Guys are simple... women are not simple and they always assume that men must be just as complicated as they are, only way more mysterious. The whole point is guys are not thinking much. They are just what they appear to be. Tragically.

I want a pit crew... I hate the procedure I currently have to go through when I have car problems.

I want a pit crew... I hate the procedure I currently have to go through when I have car problems.

Europeans like some Americans drive on the right side of the road except in England where they driv

Europeans like some Americans drive on the right side of the road except in England where they drive on both sides of the road, Italy where they drive on the sidewalk, and France where if necessary they will follow you right into the hotel lobby.

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    I would like to electrocute everyone who uses the word "fair" in connection with income tax policie

    I would like to electrocute everyone who uses the word "fair" in connection with income tax policies.

    I personally would increase the taxable base above the present ninety thousand. I pay very very lit

    I personally would increase the taxable base above the present ninety thousand. I pay very very little in the way of social security taxes because I make a lot more than ninety thousand and the people in my office pay the full tax.

    The real goal should be reduced government spending rather than balanced budgets achieved by ever r

    The real goal should be reduced government spending rather than balanced budgets, achieved by ever rising tax rates to cover ever rising spending.
