Universe Quotes

Best Universe sayings - browse and share beautiful high-quality picture quotes about Universe.

The molecules of your body are the same molecules that make up the nebulae, that burn inside the stars themselves. We are star stuff.

So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.

One universe made up all that is, and one God in it all, and one principle of being, and one law, the reason shared by all thinking creatures, and one truth.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that's your own self.

Aldous Huxley

There is a theory which states that if ever for any reason anyone discovers what exactly the Universe is for and why it is here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another that states that this has already happened.

Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean you may think it's a long way down the road to the drug store but that's just peanuts to space.

I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here.

Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is, and why it exists at all.

I don't pretend to understand the Universe - it's a great deal bigger than I am.

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

My atheism, like that of Spinoza, is true piety towards the universe and denies only gods fashioned by men in their own image, to be servants of their human interests.

George Santayana

As you simplify your life the laws of the universe will be simpler, solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.

Henry David Thoreau

Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow.

Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe.

I want to know why the universe exists, why there is something greater than nothing.

Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes.

Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion, is also flowing through you.

I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown.

I cannot make the universe obey me. I cannot make other people conform to my own whims and fancies. I cannot make even my own body obey me.

It is thought and feeling which guides the universe, not deeds.

If we long to believe that the stars rise and set for us, that we are the reason there is a Universe, does science do us a disservice in deflating our conceits?

There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.

Frank Zappa

We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.

All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.

Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work.

I consider the positions of kings and rulers as that of dust motes. I observe treasures of gold and gems as so many bricks and pebbles. I look upon the finest silken robes as tattered rags. I see myriad worlds of the universe as small seeds of fruit and the greatest lake on Earth as a drop of oil on my foot.

The Milky Way is nothing else but a mass of innumerable stars planted together in clusters.

Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.


Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.

Man, unlike anything organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, emerges ahead of his accomplishments.

John Steinbeck

When a person really desires something all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.

A universe with a God would look quite different from a universe without one. A physics, a biology where there is a God is bound to look different. So the most basic claims of religion are scientific. Religion is a scientific theory.

In known history nobody has had such capacity for altering the universe than the people of the United States of America. And nobody has gone about it in such an aggressive way.

I believe everyone should have a broad picture of how the universe operates and our place in it. It is a basic human desire. And it also puts our worries in perspective.

There is an orderliness in the universe, there is an unalterable law governing everything and every being that exists or lives. It is no blind law, for no blind law can govern the conduct of living beings.

So the universe is constantly moving in the direction of higher evolutionary impulses, creativity, abstraction and meaning.

Joy in the universe and keen curiosity about it all - that has been my religion.

It is impossible to imagine the universe run by a wise just and omnipotent God, but it is quite easy to imagine it run by a board of gods.

H. L. Mencken

I heard what was said of the universe, heard it and heard it of several thousand years, it is middling well as far as it goes - but is that all?

Even sleepers are workers and collaborators in what goes on in the Universe.


I find hope in the darkest of days and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.

You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.

Do not think of how big the universe is, it will merely hurt your head.


Every being in the universe has the potentiality of transcending the senses. Even the little worm will one day transcend the senses and reach God. No life will be a failure. There is no such thing as failure in the universe.

Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it.

The so-called Pythagoreans, who were the first to take up mathematics, not only advanced this subject, but saturated with it, they fancied that the principles of mathematics were the principles of all things.


If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.

No, that's just perfectly normal paranoia. Everyone in the Universe has that.

Douglas Adams

Observations indicate that the universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate. It will expand forever, getting emptier and darker.

Man is a universe within himself.

Bob Marley

Pray: To ask the laws of the universe to be annulled on behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.

Ambrose Bierce

You are that vast thing that you see far far off with great telescopes.

Odd how the creative power at once brings the whole universe to order.

The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well on the surface of a gas covered planet, going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away, and think this to be normal, is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.

Douglas Adams

Science predicts that many different kinds of universe will be spontaneously created out of nothing. It is a matter of chance which we are in.

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch you must first invent the universe.

The only things in my life that compatibly exist with this grand universe are the creative works of the human spirit.

Ansel Adams

I want to put a ding in the universe.

He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.

Marcus Aurelius

For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

I look for what needs to be done. After all that's how the universe designs itself.

R. Buckminster Fuller

Most sets of values would give rise to universes that, although they might be very beautiful would, contain no one able to wonder at that beauty.

Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.

Lao Tzu

I really believe in the philosophy that you create your own universe. I'm just trying to create a good one for myself.

Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news which obeys its own special laws.

Douglas Adams

Technology is destructive only in the hands of people who do not realize that they are one and the same process as the universe.

The Divine pervades everything in the Universe. This may not be understood by everyone. Some may not agree that the Divine is Omnipresent. But whether they accept this fact or not the truth is evidence of the presence of God can be found wherever one turns.

If there really is a God who created the entire universe with all of its glories and He decides to deliver a message to humanity, He will not use as His messenger a person on cable TV with a bad hairstyle.

Reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know.

If the whole universe has no meaning we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.

C. S. Lewis

When you want something all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

We are the miracle of force and matter making itself over into imagination and will. Incredible. The Life Force experimenting with forms. You for one. Me for another. The Universe has shouted itself alive. We are one of the shouts.

Ray Bradbury

My understanding is the fans are so ravenous in Canada they gnaw on the stars.

The style of God venerated in the church, mosque or synagogue, seems completely different from the style of the natural universe.

God is the Seed,The Universe is the Tree, Impulses and passions are the branches, Intelligence is the flower, Pure Consciousness is the fruit, Love is the sweetness in the fruit.

Sai Baba

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Traditional science assumes, for the most part, that an objective observer, independent reality exists, the universe, stars, galaxies, sun, moon and earth, would still be there if no one was looking.

Deepak Chopra

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

A fact never went into partnership with a miracle. Truth scorns the assistance of wonders. A fact will fit every other fact in the universe and that is how you can tell whether it is or is not a fact. A lie will not fit anything except another lie.

We will never be an advanced civilization as long as rain showers can delay the launching of a space rocket.

Every day I try to be in communication with the universe in an unconscious way.

It is known that there are an infinte number of worlds simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However not every one of them is inhabited. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near nothing as makes no odds so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely products of a deranged imagination.

Douglas Adams

Things are as they are. Looking out into it the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.

Imagine the universe beautiful and just and perfect. Then be sure of one thing: The Is has imagined it quite a bit better than you have. The original sin is to limit the Is. Don't.

Richard Bach

It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

The myths underlying our culture and underlying our common sense have not taught us to feel identical with the universe, but only parts of it only in it only confronting it - aliens.

Magnetism is one of the Six Fundamental Forces of the Universe, with the other five being Gravity, Duct Tape, Whining, Remote Control, and The Force That Pulls Dogs Toward The Groins Of Strangers.
